Lugo Birthday Pledge

Sherry’s Birthday Pledge!

School in Lima

Cucuya School outside Lima where Lugo teaches art to 65 elementary students twice a week.

While in Peru this past April, I visited a small school outside of Lima, it was situated atop some rocky and dusty land not far from the ocean. The school was lacking, there were bathrooms but no water, and a number of improvements that were needed, but I did notice the art murals….where did they come from?

That’s when I learned about Lugo. Lugo is a young artist living in the community. He has been teaching the children at the school art classes several times a week, an opportunity these children would never have otherwise (thanks to Daniel for putting this together!). But Lugo has his own dream, the dream to finish his art education. Currently Lugo struggles between school, teaching, long commutes, and working long and laborious weekends with his uncle. He is supported by his family, however they come from limited financial resources. He’s very aware that there are more “practical” career options but Lugo, like most artists, remains true to his calling.

Lugo PaintingFor the past 10 years, my bio has included one very important statement- “Recognizing the many opportunities afforded in life, like an art education, would become the driving force behind my motivation.” This still holds true. I never take for granted my an art education. And so this year in appreciation for all that has been given to me, I pledge my birthday  to Lugo.

Will you please join me in celebrating my birthday (July 22nd) by making a contribution to Lugo’s art education?


(Click arrows to scroll through slideshow of Lugo’s art below)


Lugo painting“Desde  donde recuerdo , siempre  dibujaba. Y así  la motivación  hacia el arte no a cambiado hasta ahora y desde mi infancia «expresar todo lo que Tengo en el interio…Creo que  la inspiración es la vida misma, es los recuerdos y los sentimientos que guardamos, la inspiración son las historias de papa y mama , mi barrio humilde , la gente buena , la gente mala y aquellos que como amigos forman parte de mi vida. Mi obra tiene un gran contenido personal  y creo yo que todo artista  involucra su alma en la obra .
Nuestro pasado , nuestro presente y lo que soñemos como futuro…” – Lugo, 2012


“Since I can remember, I was always drawing.  And this motivation for art has not changed since my childhood to “express everything I have inside”. I think the inspiration is life itself, it is the memories and feelings we hold. Inspiration are the stories of parents, my poor neighborhood, friends, good people, bad people and  all those those who are part of my life. My work has great personal content and I think that every artist involves their soul in their creations. Our past, our present and the dream of the future…” – Lugo, 2012

Current Total Raised: [donatetotal]

Lugo’s educational costs are $1,200 USD per year. He currently has 2 years remaining. All donations are tax-deductible through the Culture Xplorers Foundation.

Contributions Here:


Thank you!



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