
Featured Artist: Cathey White

This month, I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge (no name) artist Cathey White. I met Cathey in college, oh so long ago. Immediately I knew there were 2 things I loved about Cathey– 1) her sense of humor 2) her funky artistic style. Cathey is the kind of person that when I look at her I just start to laugh, because I know she’s gonna say something funny, with witty comments to make light of any situation.

↑ print from magic box archives

But all laughing aside, this woman is an amazing artist. She has a style that is urban, gritty and fresh at the same time. She can accurately capture a person or object, then eloquently stylizes them with a color palette and design to make it truly hers. I’ve always admired her style and have gathered her sketches on random everyday objects throughout our school years. I’ve kept paper plates, erasers and napkins with some very  fantastic doodles from Cathey. They’re safely kept in my “magic box”. The box where I keep all my inspiring art.

Cathey has participated in every (no name) Art Group project since 1999 (12 projects total!). The only other  artist who has done that is myself, but that’s because I have to of course! I’m grateful for her dedication to the group. She not only creates great art, she also makes a significant contribution in the marketing and promotions of each project. She’s an artist that truly cares about the world, and she is a defining member of our group. On behalf of (no name) Art Group, thank you Cathey!

Cathey’s Bio

Cathey White is an artist, educator and native of Philadelphia. She received a BFA from Moore College of Art and Design in 1996. Cathey makes work that inspires people from every cultural, ethnic and economic background. She remains consistently inspired by her urban environment and the beauty that can be found within it.






“Art should be for everyone. It is one thing that can bring us back to our childhood, the one place we never hesitated to be ourselves.”  ~ Cathey White


Cathey’s (no name) Artwork

"Cancer" by Cathey White Self Portrait by Cathey White "H" by Cathey White "August" by Cathey White

"Peace" by Cathey White "Edward" by Cathey White "Trang" by Cathey White

Cathey White



More About Cathey & Singlehandedink
singlehandedink is an urban inspired line of home acccesories and gift items. Each piece is one-of-a-kind and hand spray painted by Philadelphia based artist M.Cathleen White.

Cathey White Purse 1 Cathey White Purse 3 Cathey White Tables

Click here for more info/custom orders




10 Ways Art Helps to Create Good Health

A nice blog found on the benefits of art & health…

Blog Posted November 19, 2010 by Sally@Speakartloud

When you have your health, you have everything

The World Health Organization has defined good health as the complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing, not just the absence of disease or illness. This definition of health acknowledges that good health and wellbeing require not just physical health, but also psychological and social wellbeing, it is a definition that recognizes that body, mind and community are all essential to good health.

It stands to reason, then, that if we wish to have good health we must care for not only our bodies, but also our minds and our communities. Our wellbeing depends on our connections with others and our emotional state, along with our physical fitness.

Art positively impacts both individual and community wellbeing. Incorporating art into own daily life, into our community and into our health care systems will help us all create good health.

10 Ways Art Helps to Create Good Health

(1) Creating and viewing art increases relaxation, enjoyment and inner calm and reduces stress

(2) Art provides individuals a way to express thoughts, feeling and emotions that may be difficult or impossible to communicate

(3) Including art in healthcare settings improves the environment for patients and healthcare staff

(4) Arts improves the quality of life for those with chronic health conditions

(5) Public art creates gathering places in the community, encouraging social connections, reducing isolation and makes community spaces more live-able

(6) Incorporating art in healthcare provides opportunities for artists to develop their practice, grow professionally and contribute to the community

(7) Art is used to educate medical professionals; Analyzing art provides a new way of “seeing” and helps medical students become more skillful at diagnosing patients

(8) Creating and viewing art offers individuals opportunities for social interaction and community involvement, and connections with others is important in good health

(9) Including art in healthcare allows healthcare professionals new tools for diagnosis and improve communication with the patient

(10) Art is used to promote positive health messages and address public health issues


"Justyn" by Erik Weber

The Latest! Memory Portraits 2011

"Justyn" by Erik WeberThe (no name) Art Group Strikes Again!

(no name) artists create portraits for disadvantaged children living in the United States

Purpose of Memory Portraits

“The Memory Portrait Project is a unique initiative in which artists create portraits (drawings, paintings, graphic design, etc) for children living in challenging situations. Given that children who have been abandoned, neglected, abused, or orphaned usually have few personal keepsakes, the purpose of the portraits is to provide them with a special memory of their youth and to help honor their heritage and identity.”

The concept of this project was based on The Memory Project.

The portraits were delivered in the Spring 2011. The recipient is a non-profit charity/children’s home that will remain unnamed in order to respect the privacy of the children. If you wish to learn more, please contact us.


Artwork Gallery – Temporary Private Link


View full size, comment or rate our art by clicking on a thumbnail below

"Alfonso" by Emilia Apostolova "CJ" by Mimi Barclay-Johnson "Joel by Sherry Berger "Adam" by e Bond

"Jamauri" by Shannon Boutilier-Hall "Jayrelle" by Maureen Bradley "Brandon" by Dee Collins "Angel" by Lauren Conrad

"Destiny" by Corinda Cook "Luca" by Carol Coster "Sean" by Vicki Davalia "Keon" by Kate Garchinsky

"Antonio" by Marie Gilligan "Jacob" by Leslie Hanlon "Branden" by Brian Hearns "Jazmine" by Christina Hess

"Joshua" by Natalie Italiano "John" by Lynn Latona "According to Andrew and his peers, Adam is smart, curious, energetic and cool. Andrew likes sports, sweets, Pac Man and drums. Andrew is currently in Grade 5." "Andrew" by Donna Mackey

"Dante" by Jennifer Martorello "Alexis" by Christy Maurer "Jonathan" by Jeff McCloskey "KHADIJAH" by Ellen McGuire Morrison

"Tavon" by Bill Ng "David" by Trisha Oniskey "Adrian" by Chhavey Pek "Danny" by Timothy Prough

"Amari" by Nora Quinn "Elijah" by Denise Sedor 'Hector" by Anne Seidman"Joey" by Jena Seiler

"Conner" by Karen Shelly-Genther "Devon" by Justin Solitrin "Darren" by Corina St. Martin "Justyn" by Erik Weber



“I am almost in disbelief that your organization is going to do portraits of my students…I have researched your organization and am so thankful and touched at all the wonderful work you do! Thanks so much for you time. I am deeply grateful for your consideration.”  ~ Christine, Art Teacher at Children’s Home

“Sherry and everyone involved– I just wanted to say thank you so much for the opportunity to paint this portrait for Darren. I hope that he and all of the kids love their portraits. Thank you for all you are doing!”  ~ Corina, Artist

TEDTalks: Using Art To Turn The World Inside Out

TEDTalks JR, a French street artist, uses his camera to show the world its true face. He makes his audacious TED Prize wish: to use art to turn the world inside out. A funny, moving talk about art and who we are. Learn more at

Earth Day 2011: Environmental Artists Making a Difference

April 22nd is Earth Day– a day established to inspire awareness and appreciation for the earth and our environment. Founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in in 1970, Earth day is now celebrated on April 22nd in almost every country around the globe.

In celebration of Earth Day 2011, DAF presents five artists whose work raises awareness about our relationship with the earth and/or use materials and resources in an eco-friendly way to create their art.

First, what is environmental art? According to, eco-art is “in a general sense, it is art that helps improve our relationship with the natural world. Some environmental art:

  • Informs and interprets nature and its processes, or educates us about environmental problems.
  • Is concerned with environmental forces and materials, creating artworks affected or powered by wind, water, lightning, even  earthquakes.
  • Re-envisions our relationship to nature, proposing new ways for us to co-exist with our environment.
  • Reclaims and remediates damaged environments, restoring ecosystems in artistic and often aesthetic ways.