2004 Peace Cards

“Peace” by Clifford Ross

"Peace" by Clifford Ross

“I hear the song of the nightingale.The sun is warm, the wind is mild,
willows are green along the shore, Here no bull can hide!
What artist can draw that massive head, those majestic horns?”

–“10 Bulls” by Kakuan

Artist: Clifford Ross
Medium: India Ink, Sponge, Scanner, Computer

“Peace” by Larry Solitrin

"Peace" by Larry Solitrin

…what is it good for? Absolutely nothing!
Unless you’re a corporate executive, oil boss, or pentagon general!

Artist: Larry Solitrin
Medium: Adobe Illustrator


“Peace” by Cathey White

"Peace" by Cathey White

“I put my pencil to the page not knowing what to expect. This is what came about. It’s funny how art happens.”

Artist: Cathey White
Medium: Colored Pencil