Questions and answers provided by (no name) Art Group (NNAG)


Can anyone participate?
We encourage anyone to join – creative folks of any age and skill level are welcome. We only ask that thought and care be put into the artwork. Artists living outside the USA please contact us directly.

When will my blank journal arrive?
Journals will be sent in May 2019. If you have not received your journal by June, please contact us.

Can I do more than 1 journal?
Absolutely! However the registration fee is the same regardless of quantity.

I changed my mind, can I get a refund?
We apologize but registration fees are not refundable.


What size is the journal?
The journals are made by BeechTree Paper. Specs are:

  • 5.5 x 8.5 inch (actual workspace for artwork is 5 x 8.5 inch)
  • Perfect Bound Spine
  • Kraft Brown Cover
  • 100% Recycled Cover Stock
  • Heavy Weight Cardstock Cover, 100lb
  • 25 Sheets/50 Pages (front/back), 24lb, Blank

What materials may I use?
Approved materials are ***ONLY***colored pencils, pencils, or ballpoint ink pens.

Artwork can not be “raised” in any way, no collage, no paints, no stickers. Do not use any text, textures or patterns that could be considered code. Although we believe in the complete freedom of artistic expression, We ask for this particular project that art does not contain the following content: drugs/alcohol, nudity or sexual content, political content, foul language/profanity or hate speech/racism,religious content.

Is there a theme?
Although not required, we encourage a theme of a “hand” or “hands” in any way–literal or abstract. This is a universal sign and visually supports our mission of connection and kindness.

What is a Art Care Package?
An Art Care Package will vary depending on the prisoner. When art supplies are requested we will include with the customized journal supplies such as colored pencils, crayons, pencils, charcoal pencils, kneaded erasers, felt tip pens and blank postcards for prisoners who wish to return art to us. Other care packages may also include snacks/toiletries. Note that registered NNAG Artists will only need to return their finished art journal to us. NNAG will be responsible for sending care packages directly to the prisoners.


How will NNAG receive the names?
Our partner charity Black and Pink will be releasing their newsletter to prisoners on the inside announcing our project. Any interested recipients will contact NNAG directly.

*note that some journals may be given to prisoners recently released through the Rehabilitation Through The Arts (RTA) program. RTA’s mission is to use the transformative power of the arts to develop social and cognitive skills that prisoners need for successful reintegration into the community.

Is it safe?
Yes. We’ll use our PO Box address for privacy. We only ask that you use your real first name in writing a message to your prisoner recipient.

What prisons/correctional facilities will these be going?
Prisoner recipients will be mostly be from the state of New York where restrictions on packages are much more tolerant. Unfortunately, Philadelphia is extremely difficult.

How can I be sure a prisoner received my journal and Art Care Package?
Although we believe all the packages should not have any issues, there unfortunately will be no 100% guarantee if your package was given to a prisoner.There is a small chance it may not, as there are no guarantees in the prison system. We predict a 95% successful delivery rate. Undelivered journals will be returned and sent to another recipient or to a member of the RTA program.